Thursday, January 28

Mint Julep Studio

I have a confession to tell you... I have another blog, and I have had it for a while now.

It is for Mint Julep Studio, my "brand" that represents my graphic design portfolio and my works of art (mainly paintings). I've kept it hidden, so I would have time to work on it. But I'm ready to, slowly but surely, come out of the blog closet (so to speak!).

I really want to treat the blog like a flexible, interactive on-line portfolio. It will get there one day soon. Until then, I will be sharing snippets of inspiration and work for you.

You can identify these posts by this tagline:

1 comment:

Ashley and Jeff said...

Liz! I am so glad you are blogging again! When are you going to reveal the mint julep blog?! Love you!